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7/24/2019 3:19 PM

New Antiretrovirals: Challenging the Status Quo

The Antiretroviral Revolution continues. Historically, combination ARV therapy changed HIV treatment in the 1990s, and that game changing treatment continues today. The mantra of that era was “Three drugs are better than Two – are better than One.” This treatment model utilizing 3 drugs to increase potency was the pivot point that made HIV a “chronic,” more manageable illness.

Today, both these paradigms of three drugs are best and once daily therapy are being challenged. Advances in antiretroviral therapy include new and more efficient regimens with the potential to change the treatment landscape.

“New drugs and novel treatment regimens have the potential to improve long-term tolerability and reduce costs and pill sizes,” IAS President and IAS 2019 International Scientific Chair Dr. Anton Pozniak said. He indicated further that he expects two-drug regimens to be incorporated in HIV treatment guidelines in the near future. “We have new drugs with new mechanisms of action and important data from a trial looking at dolutegravir and TAF in resource-limited settings. We also have updates from key studies with more data to challenge the three-drug therapy and the daily dosing paradigms. Ultimately, the advances we are seeing in science are about giving people living with HIV more choices.”

Reference: IAS 2019 -

Source: Reporting from Mexico City for PRN: Bill Valenti, MD

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