Long-Acting Next-Generation PrEP Agents to Prevent Infection with HIV
Martin H. Markowitz, MD
Staff Investigator and Clinical Director, Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
Aaron Diamond Professor at The Rockefeller University, New York, NY
Videos of live meetings of PRN in NYC are owned and published by Physicians’ Research Network, Inc.
Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved.
Martin Markowitz is a graduate of Stanford Medical School, and completed his postgraduate training in Hematology/Oncology at Cornell Medical College and Infectious Diseases at New York University. He has worked at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center (ADARC) since 1992, where his research interests have included the pathogenesis and treatment of acute HIV-1 infection, the fitness and transmission of drug resistant HIV-1, and investigations of novel antiretroviral agents as well as pathogenesis-based interventional trials. More recently, research interests have expanded to understanding mechanisms and consequences of immune activation in HIV-infected and uninfected injection drug users and investigating novel approaches to using antiretroviral agents as prevention. Dr. Markowitz has co-authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications in medical journals, serves as a peer reviewer for a wide spectrum of journals and currently chairs the AIDS Research Review Committee for the National Institutes of Health and private funding institutions.
At the completion of this educational session, learners will:
- Understand results of PrEP trials and current status of PrEP, including obstacles to use.
- Appreciate the challenges of preclinical development of novel PrEP agents.
- Be aware of preclinical and clinical data on long-acting next-generation PrEP agents.
This PRN CME activity is funded in part by unrestricted educational grants from:
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Merck & Co, and ViiV Healthcare.